What if it were today…..

April 11, 2009


Life is but a breath and then it is gone.  Yes, I sludge through each day’s tasks and muddle through trials.  I rejoice through each success, victory and blessing.  Overall, life is good – each day is new and full of mercy. 


But, what if we could take a peek and know our end?  Would I change my behavior?  Try and gain more toys?  Offer a helping hand more readily?  Pay closer attention to God’s voice?  What would I do?  The options for choices are endless, good and bad…and I have made my fair selection of both.


Not knowing is a good thing.  It makes me look at each day in its uniqueness.  It makes life a journey of faith ~ knowing God holds the number of my days in His hands.  After all of these years, I have found it is the safest place to be; He is fully trustworthy.  What comfort!  What joy!


BUT, what if it were today?  Above all else, I’d want my family to have no doubt – I LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU, deeply, strongly.  You are precious to me!! 


Tomorrow we celebrate Christ’s Resurrection Day!  ALLELUIA!!!  My favorite celebration ~ because through His death and resurrection, He gave me the gift of an awesome new life!


Happy Resurrection Day!!





…and then one day, in the fullness of time  ~ we will obtain ours!



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